Have you experienced a meaningful loss in your life? Are you searching for a way to find words to express your grief and also to navigate the healing process? Then please join workshop co-facilitators Kaye Cleave and Christopher P. DeLorenzo for an afternoon writing retreat.
The writing sessions will be facilitated in the Amherst Writers and Artists method (AWA), which focuses on spontaneous writing prompts, voluntary reading, and positive feedback only. This isn't a therapy group, rather, it utilizes the AWA method as a healing art, a way of shaping meaning around our grief. Everyone is free to share his or her writing, or decline to read. We're also free to write about other subjects, but the writing prompts and handouts will each address grief and healing in some way.
During the retreat, we'll explore our ideas, thoughts, and stories generated by loss and surviving those we have loved. We'll also address the various ways we can approach the healing process and acknowledge the spectrum of experiences that represent grief and healing.
To contact Chris, click on the contact link above, or call Laguna Writers at 415-206-9771.
About Kaye Cleave:
Kaye has travelled extensively and worked in various countries as a waitress, a taxi–driver, a professional public speaker, a counsellor, a grape-picker on a kibbutz, a sales-woman in Germany, and croupier in London. Kaye is now a life coach and an AWA writing workshop facilitator in the Bay Area; she completed the AWA Training Program in 2009.
She began her career as a teacher, first in Australia, and then in England. She earned an MFA in writing from the University of San Francisco (2002), and a PhD in creative writing from the University of Adelaide, Australia (2006). From 2008–2010, she was a research scholar with the Graduate Theological Union at UC Berkeley. Her thesis involved interviewing bereaved mothers to determine if meditation helped them to grieve. She is very interested in the subject, being a mother who lost her only child.
Her first book, Once More with Feeling (How to Manage Your Emotions in the Workplace), was published in 1996. In 2016, Kaye wrote a children’s picture book, A Kangaroo Tale, to raise funds to build a school in a remote village in Western Nepal in memory of her daughter, Catherine. Her journey to the ribbon-cutting ceremony is chronicled in the award-winning documentary, Catherine’s Kindergarten (See the link below.) Her chapbook of poems, Cartwheels of Love and Loss, was the alternate winner in the Minerva Rising Press Dare to Speak contest, and was published by Red Bird Chapbooks in 2019.
To read more about Kaye, and to learn more about her work, see her website: http://www.kaye-cleave.com/
To learn more about Catherine’s Kindergarten, and to watch the trailer, click here.
To contact Kaye: